十大可靠彩票平台有证据表明,越来越多的多户住宅单元(mdu), 比如住房协会和校园区, 采用 分布式访问架构 (DAA)宽带. 因此, we wanted to understand why a growing number of operators are eager to offer DAA-based broadband, 特别是基于物理的远程宽带 MDU客户 以及为什么许多MDU用户热衷于拥有它. 简单来说就是速度, 但当十大可靠彩票平台研究速度的真正含义时, it proved to be a much more multi-faceted concept than we initially thought.
分布式访问 and MDUs – Speed is more than simply broadband speed
Promotional activities of broadband operators are often based on the “high broadband speed” approach, 有线mso也不例外. 当访问几乎所有宽带运营商的网站时, 你经常会看到你的街道地址, 网站会告诉你这个地址的最大网速. 然而, 当宽带解决方案提供给mdu时, 除了纯宽带速度之外,速度的其他方面经常被遗忘.
宽带速度(1)只是速度四重奏中的一个成员. 其他成员有(2)安装速度快, (3)快速入职流程, (4)快速支持.
1) 宽带速度: Subscribers may associate the high broadband speed with faster download and upload speeds, 改进的流媒体质量, 更好的在线游戏体验, 更高质量的视频会议功能, and the ability to connect multiple devices to the internet at the same time. 的 ultra-high speed broadband promise is certainly one that DAA can fulfil. Operators who deploy DAA can easily exceed speeds of DSL-based broadband and meet *fibre-based broadband capacity. 的 higher broadband capacity is nowadays an amenity that is used not only for entertainment, but also more and more for services such as remote healthcare and education. 的 数字鸿沟 是否在许多政府的议程上.
*光纤宽带或光纤到户 Competition among operators offering FTTX and/or DOCSIS to MDUs is fierce. 当涉及到MDU环境中的FTTX时, it usually means fibre to the building (FTTB) where the last 100 meters is implemented with a baseband Ethernet over CAT5 cables (copper). 在这种情况下,MDU的地下室承载一个以太网交换机。. 类似的, 当涉及到DOCSIS, 光纤进入MDU, but now the last 100 meters is implemented with DOCSIS running over coaxial cables (copper). 因此, the basement of the MDU is hosting a Remote PHY device (RPD). 但是在最后100米之后,还有最后10米. 通常, whether the last 100 meters is implemented with baseband Ethernet or DOCSIS running over copper, 公寓内的最后10米是无线的. 给用户, all alternatives might be marketed as a fibre broadband but not as “fibre to the home” because of evident reasons. |
2)安装速度: When decision makers of an MDU community commit to a certain technology, 提交触发安装. 在MDU内部拉新纤维或CAT5电缆是很费力的, 需要时间, and requires investments by the MDU owner and stamina from the residents. MDU decision makers and property owners are often required to discuss and secure funding if new cables need to be pulled. 当有新的光纤或CAT5电缆可用时, they might be divided between several operators who bring their own Ethernet switches in the basement. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, the coaxial cables exist and the installation of DAA simply means replacement of the existing fibre node with a remote PHY device (RPD). 有线电视运营商有熟练的现场技术人员, 要么是他们自己的,要么是雇佣的, 可以在15分钟内完成安装. 安装的RPD, 当可互操作的 with Converged Cable Access Platform (CCAP) Cores, gets its configuration from the CCAP core and 网络中存在的其他服务器. 因此, the MDU becomes instantly connected, and subscriber onboarding can start immediately.
3)客户快速入职: Residents of the connected MDU expect broadband connections to be available right away and customer premise equipment (CPE) should arrive latest the next day, 有或没有安装人员. Cable operators have all the prerequisites to meet these expectations. 的y have webpages for subscribers who want to self-study their options, 可以参观的商店和/或零售商, 负责电缆调制解调器变种的后勤操作, 服务包,以满足各种需求, and back-office capabilities to support subscribers on their customer journey. 虽然超出客户的期望可能很难, 只是让订阅者保持在他们的容忍范围内(ZoT)将有线mso与许多竞争对手区分开来.
4) 快速的支持: 的 existing helpdesk and support organization is familiar with DOCSIS customers. When MDU residents use the same technology as other broadband subscribers, 这种熟悉是有好处的. 不管街道地址是什么, 在帮助基于daa的宽带客户时, 操作人员可以依靠现有的最佳实践和流程. Cable operators can use the existing customer service not only to serve but also to differentiate cable operators from rivals. Satisfied subscribers become brand ambassadors whose peer reviews beat traditional marketing efforts in ten cases out of ten.
*远程MACPHY或PHY We have highlighted the importance of the Remote PHY technology although an alternative called MACPHY exists as well. 十大可靠彩票平台的推理基于三个主要论点. Firstly, Remote PHY is easier to integrate with the existing back-office tools and CCAP cores. 其次, 远端PHY厂商数量超过MACPHY厂商数量, 因此,有更多的竞争保持价格的吸引力. 第三, the global future of MACPHY is less predictable than Remote PHY as the Remote PHY track has industry momentum behind it. |
如上所述, speed has been main reason why Remote PHY-based broadband is so successful in the MDU segment. 然而,还有第五个要素:进入市场的速度. 的 first operator who grasps MDUs with the technology that exists today has attractive avenues to increase revenues per MDU in the future. 这些机会包括但不限于以下方面:
许多现代mdu需要 整栋楼都有无线网, not only because of residents who need Wi-Fi at the fitness centre of an MDU, 也因为新的物联网设备.
Property owners are digitizing MDUs as it enables automation capabilities that drive down expenses of owners and residents. 一些运营商正在考虑 数字双胞胎 can give property owners insights into the MDU, such as energy consumption. 的 safety of residents and voice controls are also interesting opportunities for operators who are interested in seeing the speed as more than simply broadband speed.
Arttu Purmonen
Arttu Purmonen
I joined 电话este in 1997 and engineered video processing and data transmission products. 我做过工程师, 项目经理, product manager and business director but understanding customer perspective has always motivated me. It brought me to be responsible for system and technical marketing where my internal driving force and former experience can party together. 看到 我的人际关系网.